My Baby

You are passion
And fury
I am in awe of your power 
I cannot bend you to my will
You decide when to concede
And I cannot sense the pattern
The switch that yields
The softness
The relief that follows because
I can then leave the lesson
And just express the love I have for you
Your force, your strength 
Just as strong in your smile and embrace
As your defiance
And then the revelation
You are just as angry at yourself 
When you hurt somebody else
The softness expressed 
In an unfamiliar way
You are so different than me
I already admire you
Unconnected to the endless love I have for you
The baby is leaving
I mourn it in a way I can’t express
I hold you so tight
And you hold me tighter
You teach me lessons
You outgrow me too quickly
You will be stronger and
Wiser than I’ll ever be
When you unleash yourself 
On the world
I will watch
In wonder